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A Guide To Film Photography: 3 DIY Hacks On How To Take Care Of Your Film Camera!


#filmisnotdead but your film camera will be if you don’t care for it properly! If you’re reading this, you might be a proud new parent of that film camera that you’ve been thinking about for a long time. Or perhaps, you’re a seasoned film junkie with a collection of vintage cameras.

It is important that you give extra care to your vintage gear. We all know there’s nothing more heartbreaking than finding your lens fogged up or even finding a scratch. While we all know the thrill of being out on shoots, we know it’s impossible to be out and about on a daily basis. On some days, your camera may be left just sitting around at home. In any case, whether indoors or outdoors, it’s especially important to make sure that you maintain optimum conditions for camera storage to prevent any damage.

Just like that movie quote says: If you take care of things, they last! So how can you store and care for your camera so that it remains in prime condition, for years down the road? Read on to find out more.

Killer Weather: Why it’s so important to pay attention to camera care in Singapore

Out here in the tropics where it is so humid, the two main issues that will affect your camera the most are fungus and wet weather. When you’re on the move and out shooting, it’s important to make sure that you carry protective items. The great thing is that many of these care materials are inexpensive but can go a long way in making sure your camera stays safe from knocks and scuffs.

1. On the move must-haves: Padded bags and Ziplocs

When you’re out shooting, it is always good practice to carry your camera out in a padded case to prevent knocks that may spoil it. Here’s a quick hack: You should also line the padded pouch with a Ziploc bag that’s big enough to fit your camera in case of rain. If it starts raining, take the batteries out of your camera and place the camera into the Ziploc and batteries separately to prevent it from getting wet and getting damaged.

Photo by Petapixel

2. Indoor storage hacks: Use dry boxes, or Tupperwares packed with silica gel

When storing your camera at home, a dry box is most ideal. If not, you can DIY your own protective, air tight storage box by using a Tupperware that is large enough for the camera, while packing the box with silica gel. You can easily get silica gel at any photo shop, or even – yes, from packets of dried seaweed. This helps to reduce the moisture in the air and prevents any fungus growth or hazing of your lens, both of which will otherwise lead to a reduction in image quality.

If you are not planning to use your camera for an extended period of time, it is also good practice to take the batteries out from your camera. This is especially important if you are using alkaline batteries, so as to prevent any leakage that can destroy the camera.

3. Hot tip: Add a UV filter (costs less than $10)

A great tip is to add a UV filter to the front of your lens, which will help to prevent any scratches or splashes onto the lens itself. This is an easy, low cost way to save you the trouble (and heartache) of replacing a lens. Even if the filter gets scuffed and scratched up, all you need to do is get a quick replacement, which usually costs less than 10 dollars. Here at, we also recommend placing a lens hood in front of the lens where possible so as to create distance between the lens and any potentially harmful surface.

Photo by Wikipedia

Taking good care of your film cameras will make sure that you can continue to take great photographs that are vivid and of the sharpest quality. Taking proper care of your gear is definitely worth it, especially in the long run. In the meantime, if you’re looking to grow your collection of film cameras, shop our full selection here. If you’ve started out on your film journey and you’re not sure what type of film camera might suit you best? You can browse our beginner’s guide here! We constantly post about our new drops so if you can’t find something you like yet, keep a keen eye out for our new and exciting cameras each week by giving our Instagram page a follow. Happy shooting!



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